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Three Decisions Everyone Should Make About Their Grave Before They Die

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Death is an extremely difficult event to process for those that remain, and in a heightened state of emotion, it is easy for close family members and friends to fight over what can seem like trivial decisions later on. One of these is to do with the gravestone and what type you should get. To ensure there is no doubt about your wishes, it is important that everyone makes it clear what they want before they pass as this will make life so much simpler for those who survive, which is what you probably want most of all. Here are a few choices everyone will need to make about their single monuments before they die.

Religious Significance

How to deal with death and imagery surrounding it are often big factors in your religion of choice. Sometimes this faith can be very private and personal, but you still want it represented on your grave after you pass. Make sure to state exactly what you want to be placed on your monument, and if possible choose from the many options you can find in all sorts of funeral catalogues. If this is important to you, make sure that it is known to others as it can be hard to predict whether you would have appreciated this gesture or not.

Material And Colour

The type of stone that you choose for your single monuments is very important as this will not only dictate the colour choices available but also how long it will last and how quickly it will age. Some prefer a monument that shows a bit more wear and tear quicker, while others want a monument that generations of their family will be able to cherish. From granite to tile and everything in between, there are so many options that leaving it up to your doting family can be a bit of a burden that you should try to avoid at all costs. Think of a colour that has significant meaning to you and go forward in that direction.

Any Added Fixings

Often a family might agree on the colour and materials but not some of the added extras that you can find on offer with single monuments, and any grave cover for that matter. Something like a built-in vase for flowers or an actual picture of the deceased engraved in stone can be more controversial a choice than you realise. If you know your family are likely to disagree over this, then make sure you take this burden from them and clearly illustrate what your feelings are in your will after discussing it with a funeral home or other expert in the field. 

Keep these things in mind as you look for a single monument you like. 
