Why The Choice Of Your Loved One's Tombstone Matters
Losing a loved one is an extremely traumatising and painful situation to go through. This is especially true if you are immediately asked so many different questions that need quick answers, such as where the burial is going to take place, who is invited, what is the scenario with the will and so on. While it can be hard to think rationally in this troubled time, it is important that you do spend a little more time and make the right call on the permanent reminders your loved one will have. These are, of course, the particular graveyard, the individual plot and, most importantly, the tombstone.
What Is So Important About The Tombstone?
Tombstones are such an important part of the memory of your loved one that it really is necessary you find something that represents your departed family member or friend in a way that does them justice. Keeping their memory alive is as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one and keeping mementos of them around that you can visit and reminisce over helps immensely. Tombstones are the ultimate reminder of a person after they are gone and what you do with it will be their last legacy on this earth.
The Key Decisions When It Comes To Choosing Tombstones
When it comes to picking out tombstones there are several decisions you need to make to narrow down the options. The first is deciding what material you want. Almost all tombstones are made out of granite but there are other options if you feel strongly about it. Next, choose a colour. Tombstones come in many different colours but it is important to remember that darker base colours tend to highlight writing better. Black is always a safe choice and gold or white lettering really stands out on it. Do you want any monuments? Sometimes people like to get something personal attached to the tombstone or grave, like a cricket bat for someone who was really into sport or ballet shoes for someone who loved dance. Finally, decide how big you want the tombstone to be. You might think bigger is best, but this is not always the case. You can say a lot with just a little, and with such an important decision it is sometimes better to keep it minimal so the many people who loved the departed can relate to what is written or displayed on the tombstone.
Who Do I Contact About Getting A Tombstone?
There are many companies that specialise in tending to your needs after the death of a loved one. Funeral homes have excellent relationships with many capable stonemasons and artists, and they can put you in contact with them or organise it themselves to save you the hassle. If you are looking to change or update a tombstone several years after a burial then cemeteries also often have good business contacts that they can pass on to you -- some even organise it in house. If you want to search on your own for a professional then this is an option as well, but if you are not familiar in the industry it is easy to make a mistake and often it is just easier and simpler to leave it to the experts.